2010년 3월 20일 토요일

Miths of studying English in korea

Class Opinion;
We think these are miths of studying English.....
Native English speakers are always better in teaching English.
Tongue condition maked a big difference in pronouncig English.
Studying abroad is neccessary in achiving high quality English proficency.
Excellent teaching or Kakwon remarkably reduces time to learn English.
Memorize vocabulary is the primary step to learn English.
Teachers who went to high ranked university will teach English well.
Good Toeic score guarantees good English proficiency.

I think that 'Native English speakers are always better in teachin English' is
really misleading. Having a good command of English is one thing, and Teching English to Korean is quite another. But I agree that Memorize vocavulary is the primary step to learn English.
I heard 'Rule of 10000hours'
Its meaning is 10000hours are needed to become a professional in his field.
Therefore, For speaking and teaching English well, we have to study hard patiently a long time.

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