2010년 5월 18일 화요일

My Opinion about TETE

T.E.T.E(Teaching English Through English)

- The Possibility of Application in Korean classroom context and effective value-
English is a international language today. So the way to teach English is also important because this way can determine the international competitiveness of R.O.K.

"Teaching English Through English" The perfect way to teach foreign language. I think this way is the best way to teach English. But Is this teaching method suitable in Korean classroom context? My answer to the question is "NO". but it is possible if the appropriate education environments are given. Now I am writing about the topic : T.E.T.E

Firstly, The English teachers are not good at English(not all)

This is the very insolent and limited speaking I think. But this is real at least in my case. In my school age, my English teacher couldn't read the textbook correctly and fast. His pronunciation was not clear and correct. Sometimes he didn't know the meaning of the words. For this teacher the teaching method "TETE" is a notice of discharge. But to advance English education in Korean classroom, the changing or re-educating teacher are the most urgent business.

Secondly, The English ability of students is not same.

Many students have learned English through private institute. On the other hand, there are students who can learn English only through their school or public education for many reasons(economic, regional, etc.). In this situation, if two types of students are educated in same class and by same curriculum, the gap of education level become larger and larger. Only the pre-educated students will take part in the lesson positively. It may become bigger educational problem. So the various classes must be opened in accordance with the student's ability to use English.

In conclusion this reformation will cause many problems about the educational administration in initial state because this reformation of the English education needs many changes in whole system of education (like as changing teacher, expansion of the capable teachers, and reformation of educational policy, etc.) But this reformation must be accomplished to improve our nations' international competitive power. If this changes are accomplished the TETE system is applicable in the Korean education field I think.

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