2010년 5월 19일 수요일

General topic9

*Do you think "teaching English Through English" is necessary in public school english class? Give us your opinion and supporting reasons.
we need to ground our education curriculum upon reality.I think teaching English through English is too ideastic to apply TETE in real-class. Because English abilities among students are various, there is a chance to stretch the gap among students. Most of all, only English input isn't help in improving student's English skills. We should include opportunities to let students speak in English, but there are too many students, about 40,in a class. If there is no Englisn output, TETE has become useless, I think.

*Which English teachers do you think is better for our students, native speakers of English, or Korean English teachers? Why?

I think both are required to improve student's English ability. So schools should hire native teachers in every school in the city. Of course, maintaining the existing system to pick teachers, the Education Ministry let native teachers keep pace with them because teachers should be responsible for instructing student more easily and effectively, native speakers have limits.

*How do you think will our English class be changed in the future? How do you ( as 사범대생) prepare for future English education in Korea?

I'm sure English curriculum will be changed more practical in the future. Maybe schools are not just concentrating on KSAT, but include speaking and writing in English. So I must speak English well as well as understand an English-speaking culture.

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